Download the SysAid Server installation file using the link provided in the email. When you registered for a trial of SysAid or placed your order for SysAid, you received an email with a link to download the SysAid server and an attached activation file, activation.xml. ****.NET Framework 3.5 SP 2 or above must be installed in order to perform network discovery. If you set up your own MS SQL database, ensure that it uses the Latin1_General_CI_AS Collation. **** Oracle is not supported in versions 21.4 or higher. *** SysAid includes MS SQL 2008 R2 Express database, but you can choose to integrate with MS SQL, or MySQL instead. **Environments with more than 2,000 assets require a 64-bit operating system. * If you are using Patch Management, make sure to also consider the requirements in the Patch Management table. Linux/Unix/Mac - with SUN Java 1.7 or above and Tomcat 9.0.24 Operating System** – Supports both 32 bit and 64 bit The minimum requirements* for SysAid are: Please see the Agent Deployment guide for more information about installing the SysAid agent. For asset management, you deploy the SysAid agent to your network's computers. Users accessing the help desk connect to the SysAid server via a web browser.
SysAid includes a Tomcat web server you do not need to install one separately.
You need to install the SysAid server, which all users access.
#Descargar deskconnect para windows how to
This document describes how to install the In-House Edition of SysAid (Windows version). SysAid is available in two editions: a fully Cloud, SAAS solution and an installed, In-House solution.